Landis Rabish & Kent Rabish

Grand Traverse Distillery Grand Traverse, MI


Grand Traverse Distillery in Traverse City, MI supplies American Liquor Co with rye vodka. Kent Rabish, founder of the distillery, was a pioneer in jumpstarting Michigan’s craft spirit industry in 2005. His son, Landis, worked his way up the ranks of their lean and mean operation to become Head Distiller. From the beginning, they have been passionate about crafting spirits of the highest quality. 


Every spirit starts its life as grain. It takes time, experience, and dedication to turn that grain into an award-winning spirit. They fell in love with the local rye grown near the distillery. When we say local, we mean just down the road on Send Brothers Farm. The rye is delivered weekly and milled on site at the distillery. The mash is distilled in a 16 plate Holstein Still from Germany with the heads and tail cut by taste and feel, like a musician playing his/her instrument.


When American Liquor called, and explained the project they had in mind, the team at Grand Traverse was intrigued by the collaboration of premiere distillers throughout the Midwest. According to Landis, it represented “a showcase of what we, as a region, could accomplish and create together. A blend of the finest vodka created by some of the finest craftsmen in the area presented a truly unique opportunity, one we didn’t want to pass up.”


The top tier rye vodka produced by Grand Traverse Distillery adds character to the American Liquor Co. blend and is a true testament to the family’s dedication to their craft.